
The Purpose of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession 

Focus: Respect (p.8)

OCT Expectations:

"Intrinsic to the ethical standard of respect are trust and fair-mindedness. Members honor human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development. In their professional practice, they model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment" (Ontario College of Teachers Foundations of Professional Practice, 2012, p. 9).

Curated Materials:  


Definition of Respect (Drawn from the curated artifact)

According to the curated artifact, the definition of respect is one's ability to recognize that everyone is different and its important to except and embrace those differences. Everybody in the world shares different beliefs, cultures, traditions etc. and as human beings our values reflect our actions. By respecting others you are able to show it in a meaningful way by making people with differences from yourself feel accepted and appreciated as who they are. Allowing people to act and represent themselves in the way they see fit is a very important thing to accept and appreciate that persons differences. Every body in the world has different attributes to offer each other. Instead of pushing people away who are different from ourselves we need to accept these individuals with open arms and learn from each other. By showing respect, you should receive respect and vice-versa.

Why the Resource informs my understanding of the OCT standard "Respect":

The artifact that I have chosen bases the definition of trust off actions that people produce to prove their value of respect. It's one thing to say your a respectful person but its another thing to actually carry out the action of respecting others in public and in various interactive scenarios. This video really did inform my understanding of respect by putting the character in various situations where he has the opportunity but choses not to show respect and then later on in the video the same thing he did to others happened to him. Although this video was silent, it made it easier to really pay attention to the drawings and what was going on. The artifact allowed me to feel confident that I understood respect as a concept and helped me reflect on this value to make each interaction in the classroom respectful and positive for everyone.

Level of Reflection:

In order to establish an environment where respect is not an issue, students and teachers need to practice and develop their values to make student-student, student-teacher, student-faculty and teacher-faculty interactions meaningful and positive. By respecting students opinions about work loads and things that aren't working its important for the teachers to listen and curve their teaching using the levels of reflection to meet the needs of their students. By teachers respecting student opinions and taking them into consideration, students can respect decisions made by the teacher because they understand that the activities are meaningful and beneficial to their learning. Lastly, its important to respect students with learning disabilities or any kind of disability by differentiating their work loads and understanding exactly what that specific student needs to succeed. Therefore by taking everyones needs into consideration and reflecting on them, teachers can develop meaningful lessons because they care for the success of their learners.


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