Professional Knowledge

The Purpose of the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession

Focus: Professional Knowledge (p.12)

OCT Expectations:

"Members strive to be current in their professional knowledge and recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and legislation to inform professional judgment in practice" (Ontario College of Teachers Foundations of Professional Practice, 2012, p. 13).

Curated Materials:


Definition of Professional Knowledge (drawn from the curated artifact)

According to the information presented in the curated artifact, professional knowledge is an important skill to develop when becoming an educator. The video presents many ways that professional knowledge can be gathered like for example talking to the gym teacher if your trying to do a gym lesson so that you have the right information to present to your students. Simple things like that can develop your professional knowledge because you are taking time to make sure that you have the correct information to incorporate in your lesson plans. Even changing things like lesson plans to make it more student centred is a way of showing professional knowledge because you understand that the information you are presenting to your students needs to be meaningful so its easier to recall. Therefore being adaptable and developing meaningful lessons for your students is a great way to show professional knowledge as a teacher. Taking those extra steps shows your commitment and your willingness to develop your own skills to become a better and more current educator. 

Why the Resource informs my understanding of the OCT standard "Professional Knowledge":

The curated artifact informs my understanding of the OCT standard because its important as educators to be current in our field. Teachers strive to develop professional knowledge and need to be able to recognize the relationship to the practice. In order to maintain professional knowledge teachers need to be continously learning new strategies that they can use with their students to create a positive learning environment considering the needs of every student equally. By tending to all the aspects like student development, learning theories, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics etc. are all important things teachers should be familiar with to ensure they have the professional knowledge required to maintain a current practice.

Level of Reflection:

In order to maintain professional knowledge its important that teachers continue to use every level of reflection to ensure they are creating ideal lesson plans for their students. Not only is it important for teachers to perform diagnostic assessments to understand what the learners need but the teacher also needs to reflect on things they have already done and analyze what worked and what didn't work to make changes for next time. By staying current and performing self-reflections, teachers are able to maintain their own professional knowledge as they can make adjustments when needed to create and adapt lesson plans to satisfy the learning needs of every student.


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