
The Purpose of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession 

Focus: Care (p.8)          
OCT Expectations:

"The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students potential. Members express their commitment to students well-being and learning through positive influence, professional judgement and empathy in practice" (Ontario College of Teachers Foundations of Professional Practice, 2012, p. 9).

Curated Materials:

Zakrzewski, V. (2012). Four Ways Teachers Can Show They Care. Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life.

(This video supports the article)


Definition of Care (Drawn from the curated artifacts)

According to the curated artifacts teachers have the ability to shape their students in the way they seem fit by attending to everyone’s individual needs. Every student is different so it’s important to create a positive learning atmosphere that is meaningful and fulfills the needs of every student. In fact teachers who have caring relationships with their students are academically more successful and show greater pro-social behaviors (Zakrzewski, V. 2012). Simple things teachers do like getting to know your students and their lives, actively listening to their students, asking students for feedback or even reflecting on your own experiences with care could influence change.  According to research, few factors in education have a greater impact on a student’s educational experience than a caring relationship with his or her teacher (Zakrzewski, V. 2012). The youtube video is proof of my last statement because even when times are tough if people show you they care it may motivate you to succeed. 

Why the Resource informs my understanding of the OCT standard "Care":

The curated artifacts informs my understanding of the OCT standard of caring by explaining what teachers can do to show their students they care. The documents help me understand that not everyone is in need of extra support so its important to pay attention and know your students to be aware of any changes in their lives or daily routines. I believe its important to not only know your students but have good communication with associate teachers who can help or support your decisions when attending to your students needs as an individual or as a learner. I now know that showing your students you care can really influence their participation with school work but can also effect their lives as a whole.

Level of Reflection:

Based on the article, care can be used at every level of reflection because there are many things that can be done to show someone that you care. Firstly, teachers need to think of strategies and methods that will benefit every student to reach the predetermined goals set in place. When teachers create meaningful educational goals it will influence students to participate and develop skills. Having the ability to recognize any possible improvements that can be made to student learning requires a lot of reflection using student work and their opinions. Although, the capacity for self-reflection is a distinguishing attribute of reflective practitioners. Therefore, self-reflection, refers to a teachers ability to perform deep examinations of values and beliefs embodied in the assumptions teachers tend to make and the expectations they have for their students. As teachers develop their students skills its important to remember that teachers still need to develop certain skills as well.


Zakrzewski, V. (2012). Four Ways Teachers Can Show They Care. Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life.

(This video supports the article)

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